Essential Oils and Children

Essential Oils and Children

In recent years, Essential Oils have become a popular topic in the parenting world, and for good reason! These natural remedies can be used for everything from soothing a fussy baby to aiding in concentration while doing homework. But with so many oils on the market, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. What are the best oils for children? How do you use them safely? 

Are Essential Oils safe for Children?

Yes, essential oils are safe for children when used properly. Essential oils are a natural and effective way to support the health and wellbeing of kids of all ages. When using essential oils with children, it is important to start with a low dilution and slowly increase as needed. Always keep essential oils out of reach of children and never apply them directly to the skin without first diluting in a carrier oil or lotion.

How to properly dilute your Essential Oil blends for children's skin

When it comes to Essential Oils and children, always remember to properly dilute your blends. This is especially important for children's skin, which is more sensitive than adults.

The general rule of thumb is to use a 1% dilution for children ages 2-6, and a 2% dilution for children ages 7-12. For infants 6 months-1 year old, you can use a 0.5% - 1% dilution.

Some good carrier oils to use with children are Fractionated Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. These are all light oils that won't clog pores or irritate sensitive skin.

When applying essential oils to children's skin, always do a patch test first to make sure they don't have any sensitivities or allergies. Apply the diluted Essential Oil blend to a small area of their skin and wait 24 hours to see if there is any reaction.

Two hands, one pouring massage oil into the other before massaging into baby's skin.

The Benefits of Essential Oils for Children

There are many benefits of using essential oils on children. The most common benefit is that they can help to soothe and calm the child. This is especially useful for children who have anxiety, are feeling overwhelmed or having trouble sleeping. Essential oils can also help to boost the immune system, improve sleep quality, and reduce stress levels.

Some of the best Essential Oils for children include Lavender, Chamomile, and Sweet Orange. These oils are all very gentle and have a calming effect on the mind and body. When used in a diffuser, these oils can fill the room with a sweet and relaxing aroma.

The Importance of Good Emotional Health in Children

Numerous studies have shown that emotional health is essential to children’s overall well-being and development. Good emotional health allows children to cope with the challenges of growing up, manage their feelings, and develop positive relationships with others.

There are many factors that contribute to good emotional health in children, but one of the most important is having a strong support system. Parents and caregivers play a vital role in providing love, security, and stability for children. Additionally, teaching children healthy ways of expressing their emotions is crucial for their emotional development, we can't control what emotions they experience - but we can provide a calming and supportive environment for them to experience them in.

One way of creating a calm and happy environment for your child to explore their emotions in is by using Essential oils. Essential oils can be used to help calm and relax children, as well as promote feelings of happiness and joy. Diffusing Lavender Oil in your child’s room at bedtime can help them relax and fall asleep more easily. Adding a few drops of Rosemary Oil to your child’s bathtub can help soothe muscles and relieve tension, and using Lemon or Grapefruit Oil in a diffuser can help lift your child’s mood and create a more cheerful atmosphere.

If you're thinking of trying Essential Oils with your child, always speak with your doctor first as some Oils can interfere with medication and cause skin irritations. You can also contact a local Aromatherapist to find out which Oils would be best suited to your little one and their unique needs! 

An Essential Oil Diffuser next to a bed.


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